Playlists MidCoast Music Americana

Playlists MidCoast Music Americana


An upbeat, driving rock & roll song with electric slide guitar and horns about less than ideal origins. Vocal. Main version.
Contemplative Celtic ballad featuring Male And Female vocals. Vulnerable and infectuously enchanting. Acoustic guitar soring violin and vocals leads to a powerful hook which enters at 2:05 with dramatic pounding toms. Words are powerful and can?t be taken back. This call to reconciliation calls for healing and forgiveness.
Celebrating life with the joy of dancing. Foot stomping and hand clapping jubilee led by voice, harmonica, electric guitar and piano. Fun breakdowns with drum, bass and acoustic guitar at :48 and 2:29 are useful for transitions and exciting build ups.
Old school country with crying pedal steel guitar tells the woes of one who can only learn the hard way. Soul searching solo at 2:40 brings this story to a teary peak. A heartfelt tip of the hat to the Nashville and Bakersfield sound of the 50s and 60s will keep you parked at your bar stool for hours.
Energentic uplifting youthful anthem about independence. Vocal. Main version
Fast double stop tele line with a slap back echo and a driving snare shuffle. Pedal steel like solo on the telecaster. Instrumental. 30 Promo version.
A Rock & Roll story about a girl who craves elsewhere. Shifts to double time at 2:46 for some fun dueling guitars. Vocal. Main version.
60's rock meets 70's punk and has a love child in the 21st century. Fun, tight pop with full vocal oo's and answers. Vocal. Main version.
Melodic acoustic slide with a haunting set of melodic pop changes takes you flying. Children take over the chorus at the end. Vocal. Main version.
Swinging, sexy lap slide instrumental with a jazzy rhythm section and vibraphone. Mysterioso mood is enhanced by a dreamy vibes solo and slinky lap slide playing. Insrtrumental. 30 Promo version.
A Celtic influenced folk waltz speaking to the plight of the blue collar union working man. Vocal. Main version.
Story telling love song about a country boy. Vocal. Main version
Mellow bluesy shuffle with clean Tele tones and a reflective attitude. Instrumental. 30 Promo version.
Driving, heavy power-pop rock with harmonized guitar choruses. Tell him what he has to do! Vocal. Main version.
The opening catchy hook of this resolute and sad reality song has you glued to the story. Sometimes you have to move on and the sooner you do things can heal. Holding onto ghosts.
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