Fun Texas swing country tale pleading for forgiveness. Playful and mischievous, great for chase scenes with a get up and get it done attitude. Intro pumps four to the bar like a full steam train chuggin down the line.
A happy, thankful love story with a duel guitar harmony hook that sticks like duct tape on a bare arm. Perfect for happy scenes of loving people, puppies and babies.
A bittersweet, soul searching reflection on procrastination of things that you oughta do but don't due to a broken heart. Determined confidence to carry on supports this love song.
This song exudes joy and passion. Sing like nobody's there, just like being alone in your car. Songs have changed lives, or at the very least, brought a smile or tear. If you're gonna sing make it matter.
Never borrow trouble, it will find you anyway. A tale of wisdom from experience. The driving rhythm on a Gibson L5 archtop makes this a perfect song for getting into mischeif on the open road.
Upbeat, fun and satirical bluegrass leaning song about an incessant talker. We've all been stuck in that never ending one sided conversation in the car with no escape. Driving slack key guitar adds an incessant bass drive to match the motor mouth.
This song emotionally tells the tale of the aftermath of getting caught red handed. Oh the reality of falling off your throne. Great for stings, crime stories and fallen politicians.
A playful song about simplicity of no fortune or fame. There's so much to learn from the mocking bird. He freely sings his song with beauty and grace. The mockingbird could be the singer, musician or publisher.
A great steady working song. Perfect for DYI and projects around the house. The hours at the sewing machine did more than make clothes. It stitched together a family. Steady country funk rhythm gets the job done, one stitch at a time.
Soothing and reflective, this story brings a knowing smile to your face. Precious childhood memories of shopping in the downtown department store with your mom. Times change, but you'll always have your memories.
Soothing, lightly strummed folk guitar backs up the pleasing mood of welcome company. Tex-Mex, south of the border down Mexico way feel. Great for relaxed travel.