MidCoast Music MCMA012 More About You

MidCoast Music MCMA012 More About You


Strong drum driven groove with a sassy attitude. The guitar riffs cry out the frustrations of young love. Chorus opens up at :36 and lets loose the anguish. Vocal. Main version.
Strong drum driven groove with a sassy attitude. The guitar riffs cry out the frustrations of young love. Chorus opens up at :36 and lets loose the anguish. Instrumental. Reduced version.
Strong drum driven groove with a sassy attitude. The guitar riffs cry out the frustrations of young love. Chorus opens up at :36 and lets loose the anguish. Instrumental. 30 Promo version.
Modern day melodic pop rock song about a girl who is too much. Pounding drums and melodic hooks abound. Vocal. Main version.
Modern day melodic guitar based pop rock. Pounding drums and melodic hooks abound. Instrumental. Reduced version.
Modern day melodic guitar based pop rock. Pounding drums and melodic hooks abound. Instrumental. 30 Promo version.
Powerful guitar riff with an infectious vocal hook. A medium tempo kickass groove leaves plenty of room for guitar, vocal and bass layers that create an aggressive onslaught. Vocal. Main version.
Powerful guitar riff with an infectious vocal hook. A medium tempo kickass groove leaves plenty of room for guitar, background vocal and bass layers that create an aggressive onslaught. Vocal. Reduced version.
Powerful guitar riff with an infectious vocal hook. A medium tempo kickass groove leaves plenty of room for guitar, background vocal and bass layers that create an aggressive onslaught. Vocal. 30 Promo version.
American fun pop rock song about nightlife and the fables that grow from new encounters. Vocal. Main version.
American fun pop rock song featuring interweaving, complimentary guitar parts. Vocal. Reduced version.
American fun pop rock song featuring interweaving, complimentary guitar parts. Vocal. 30 Promo version.
Killer opening guitar arpeggio builds the tension until the band enters @:56. The band builds to a climax when the groove kicks into double time @ 2:56 with an intense rockin' attitude. Vocal. Main version.
Killer opening guitar arpeggio builds the tension until the band enters @:56. The band builds to a climax when the groove kicks into double time @ 2:56 with an intense rockin' attitude. Instrumental. Reduced version.
Killer opening guitar arpeggio builds the tension until the band enters @:56. The band builds to a climax when the groove kicks into double time @ 2:56 with an intense rockin' attitude. Instrumental. 30 Promo version.
Ballad of pity over a broken relationship which justifies massive beer consumption. Organ intro with guitar driven arppeggios. Vocal. Main version.
Ballad with organ intro and guitar driven arppeggios. Instrumental. Reduced version.
Ballad with organ intro and guitar driven arppeggios. Instrumental. 30 Promo version.
A fuzz bass and drum intro sets up a fun positive song about home. Southern rock meets punk with a droney triumphant attittude. Vocal. Main version.
A fuzz bass and drum intro sets up a fun positive song. Southern rock meets punk with a droney triumphant attittude. Instrumental. Reduced version.
A fuzz bass and drum intro sets up a fun positive song. Southern rock meets punk with a droney triumphant attittude. Instrumental. 30 Promo version.
A fun out of the gate pop rocker with great melodic guitar chords. Tom driven drum groove opens up to a driving pop chorus at :53. Vocal. Main version.
A fun out of the gate pop rocker with great melodic guitar chords. Tom driven drum groove opens up to a driving pop chorus at :53. Vocal. Reduced version.
A fun out of the gate pop rocker with great melodic guitar chords. Tom driven drum groove opens up to a driving pop chorus at :53. Vocal. 30 Promo version.
60's rock meets 70's punk and has a love child in the 21st century. Fun, tight pop with full vocal oo's and answers. Vocal. Main version.
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