Stay Real Bout It (60 Seconds)

Album: Hip Hop Vol. 1

Stay Real Bout It
Title Stay Real Bout It
Filename TL027_37_Stay Real Bout It_60 Seconds
Description Hip Hop - West Coast. A touch of G-Funk, big bottom bass bounces this funky Pop-Rap with vocal-like sfx and relentless chunk guitar. 60 Seconds.
ComposerSteve Klong (ASCAP) 100% [336377547]
PublisherGroove Addicts Outrageous Music Publishing (ASCAP) 100% [608866906]
ISRC QM2ZU1629164
BPM 95

Alternative versions

Hip Hop - West Coast. A touch of G-Funk, big bottom bass bounces this funky Pop-Rap with vocal-like sfx and relentless chunk guitar. Full Mix.
Hip Hop - West Coast. A touch of G-Funk, big bottom bass bounces this funky Pop-Rap with vocal-like sfx and relentless chunk guitar. 30 Seconds.
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