Bouncing Chips (Main 30 sec edit)

Album: Cute Buddies

Bouncing Chips
Title Bouncing Chips
Filename Cute 219_31_Bouncing Chips_Main 30 sec edit
Description Chirpy chip tune sounds and a hooky rhythm, a quirky electronic theme for kids and technology, fun and bright, playful, bouncy, children, electronic, computer, gaming, arcade, advertising, catchy, smile, friendly, wacky, positive.
ComposerBen Beiny (PRS) 100% [624978803]
PublisherCute Music Publishing (PRS) 100% [624529056]
ISRC ZAGG91908260

Alternative versions

Chirpy chip tune sounds and a hooky rhythm, a quirky electronic theme for kids and technology, fun and bright, playful, bouncy, children, electronic, computer, gaming, arcade, advertising, catchy, smile, friendly, wacky, positive.
Chirpy chip tune sounds and a hooky rhythm, a quirky electronic theme for kids and technology, fun and bright, playful, bouncy, children, electronic, computer, gaming, arcade, advertising, catchy, smile, friendly, wacky, positive.
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