Cuerpo divino (Full)

Album: Receta by Abel & Lexo

Cuerpo divino
Title Cuerpo divino
Filename NSPS432_004_Cuerpo divino_Full
Description A steady and longing male vocal soars above popping synth keys, percussion, and a bold bass line to create a hopeful and affectionate Reggaeton track. Version - Full
ComposerJoelmy Antonio Olivo (BMI) 30% [1163681060]Alejandro Jose Isea (BMI) 30% [1196622434]Juan Abel Martinez (BMI) 30% [1196919993]Marcus Hilton Braveboy (BMI) 10% [818468211]
PublisherNon-Stop International Music Publishing (BMI) 100% [543577728]
ISRC QM2ZU2403236
BPM 90

Aún tengo el recuerdo
De esa noche en la disco cuando nos vimos
Yo senti algo a primera vista
Y tu preguntando por mi camino
Nos envolvimos tan rápido
Ni cuenta nos dimos
Y al otro día, yo no supe de ti
Ni tu de mi, ni de nuestro destino

Pero es que todo cambió
Desde esa noche, que hicimos lo que hicimos
Me dijo que si descansó conmigo
Pero ni nos despedimos
Ahora ando buscándola en to' lao'
Me quedé enviciao' con ese cuerpo asesino
No se si ella se acuerda así de mi
Pero yo sí de su cuerpo divino
Pero es que todo cambió
Desde esa noche que hicimos lo que hicimos
Me dijo que si descansó conmigo
Pero ni nos despedimos
Ahora ando buscándola en to' lao'
Me quedé enviciao' con ese cuerpo asesino
No se si ella se acuerda así de mi
Pero yo sí de su cuerpo divino

Ni tu de mi ni yo de ti hace rato que no te veo
Desde aquella noche que te desvestí, tengo que admitir
Que no he borrado los videos
Siempre salgo a buscarte pero
Te quitaste del bellaqueo
Anoche te tire al DM subiste foto con el
Yo ese cuento no te creo

Pero es que todo cambió
Desde esa noche que hicimos lo que hicimos
Me dijo que si descansó conmigo
Pero ni nos despedimos
Ahora ando buscándola en to' lao'
Me quedé enviciao' con ese cuerpo asesino
No se si ella se acuerda así de mi
Pero yo sí de su cuerpo divino

Aún tengo el recuerdo
De esa noche en la disco cuando nos vimos
Yo senti algo a primera vista
Y tu preguntando por mi camino
Nos envolvimos tan rápido
Ni cuenta nos dimos
Y al otro día siguiente no supe de ti
Ni tu de mi ni de nuestro destino

I still have the memory
From that night at the nightclub when we met
I felt something at first sight
And you were asking for my number
We got caught up so fast
We didn't even realize
And the next day I knew nothing about you
Nor you about me, or our destiny

But everything changed
Since that night, since what we did
She told me that she'd stay with me
But we didn't even say goodbye
Now I'm searching for her everywhere
I became addicted to that captivating body
I don't know if she remembers me like that
But I do remember her divine body

Neither you heard from me nor I from you
It's been a while since I've seen you
Since that night I undressed you, I have to admit
I haven't deleted the videos
I always go looking for you but
You got rid of the flirting
Last night I messaged you after you posted a photo with him
I don't believe that story

But everything changed
Since that night, since what we did
She told me that she'd stay with me
But we didn't even say goodbye
Now I'm searching for her everywhere
I became addicted to that captivating body
I don't know if she remembers me like that
But I do remember her divine body

I still hold the memory
From that night at the nightclub where we met
I felt something at first sight
And you were asking for my number
We got caught up so fast
We didn't even realize
And the next day, I heard nothing from you
Nor you from me, about our destiny

Alternative versions

Longing vocals soar above popping synth keys, percussion, and a bold bass line to create a hopeful and affectionate Reggaeton track. Version - No Lead Vocals
Popping synth keys, percussion, and a bold bass line combine to create a hopeful and affectionate Reggaeton track. Version - No Vocals
Longing vocals soar above popping synth keys, percussion, and a bold bass line to create a hopeful and affectionate Reggaeton track. Version - 60 Second No Lead Vocals
Popping synth keys, percussion, and a bold bass line combine to create a hopeful and affectionate Reggaeton track. Version - 60 Second No Vocals
Longing vocals soar above popping synth keys, percussion, and a bold bass line to create a hopeful and affectionate Reggaeton track. Version - 30 Second No Lead Vocals
Popping synth keys, percussion, and a bold bass line combine to create a hopeful and affectionate Reggaeton track. Version - 30 Second No Vocals
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