Curious Corners
Title Curious Corners
Filename SCMNS101_014_Curious Corners_No Synths
Description Building intrigue and wonder from the get-go, this cinematic hybrid scoring cue features dynamic strings, keys, and mallets to emphasize the dramatic and stirring tone. Version - No Synths
ComposerBrian Scott Carr (BMI) 100% [403838370]
PublisherMonger B (BMI) 100% [1031371215]
ISRC QM2ZU2428876
BPM 86

Alternative versions

Building intrigue and wonder from the get-go, this cinematic hybrid scoring cue features intimate, pizzicato strings, light piano and mallets to emphasize a curious, stirring tone. Version - Full
Building intrigue and wonder from the get-go, this cinematic hybrid scoring cue features dynamic strings, keys, and mallets to emphasize the dramatic and stirring tone. Version - No Bass
Building intrigue and wonder from the get-go, this cinematic hybrid scoring cue features dynamic strings and mallets to emphasize the dramatic and stirring tone. Version - No Pianos
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